Our Core Business

Road Construction

The EDE road construction activities are undertaken by EDE partner. EDE adopts the “Construction Management Approach” in all its road projects, focusing on planning and management. To ensure maximum cost-effectiveness, the Group sub-contracts out portions of its projects such as relocation of utility services, earthworks, drainage, construction of small bridges, roadside furniture and street lightings. Depending on the projects, the Group may outsource the entire portion or only the labour of these portions, which has low added value. The outsourcing of labour, which is mainly low-skilled, enables the Group to focus on its core competencies in pavement works.

Road Rehabilitation

Road Rehabilitation is a principal activity undertaken by the EDE Partner through the EDE Partner. Works carried out under road rehabilitation projects include upgrading, pavement repairs, pavement recycling and overlay.

Conventional Pavement Techniques

Some of the conventional techniques utilized by the partner are:

+ Pavement Overlay or Resurfacing

This method is generally used for the general pavement strengthening where a layer of new asphalt is laid on top of the old pavement.

+ Mild and Pave (Cut & Patch)

This is applicable where severe cracking of surface deterioration has occurred in the pavement. A milling machine is used to remove the affected area before a new layer of asphalt is laid in its place.

+ Very Thin Overlay

this is technique where a thin layer of wearing course, approximately 20mm thick, is laid with a modified bituminous binder. This pavement exhibits high performance in terms of durability and safety.

+ Porous Asphalt

This technique basically involves laying porous asphalt with a modified bituminous binder. Due to its porous nature, water drains away from the pavement easily, thereby significantly reducing ponding and splashing. It also exhibits better skid resistance and lower noise levels.

Road Maintenance

Advanced road and highways systems are developed along stringent measures to ensure safety, comfort and durability. As such, it is essential that these road infrastructures are properly maintained for the safety of its users. Furthermore, proper maintenance would maximise investments spent and reduce expenditure in the longer term. Road maintenance works can be divided into 2 main categories as follows:

Routine Maintenance:
Routine maintenance involves repairs of potholes, maintenance of road shoulders, roadside furniture, drainage systems, bridges and culverts, landscaping on protocol roads and routine inspection.

Periodic Maintenance:
Periodic maintenance involves repair, replacement and installation of existing pavement, roadside furniture, drains, culverts and guardrails as well as slope repairs.

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+607-880 1690